Children's fuchsia sweatshirt

Destockage : pièces ni reprises ni échangées
Livraison sous 7 à 15 jours

  • Children's long-sleeved organic cotton sweatshirt
  • Round neckline
  • Fabric weight: 320g/m2
  • Gentle wash at 30°C inside out
  • Delivery within 2/3 days
  • Made in Portugal
  • Traceability:
    * Country of weaving/spinning: Portugal
    * Dyeing/printing country: Portugal
    * Country of manufacture: Portugal

If you are unsure between two sizes, we advise you to choose the larger size.


The Organic designation certifies that the item is made from ecological materials and ingredients and does not contain any chemicals.

100% cotton from organic farming, GOTS certified and traceable

Un mot de Florence

"My 2-year-old daughter Joséphine already likes to wear the same sweatshirt as mom! She is quick to open her dresser drawer to put it on with mom ;)"


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